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Receive message from optitrack and then send it to blabbermouth
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This is the unified workspace to be used with all the robots, starting from drones, ground robots and legged.
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This is the unified workspace to be used with all the robots, starting from drones, ground robots and legged.
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Docker setup to run ROS Guidance node for Ubuntu 14.04 on ARM arch.
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ROS Guidance node for Ubuntu 14.04 including TF of the stereo sensors
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Bitbake layer files for the Khepera IV robot (firmware and utilities)
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Brume Deploy / meta-gumstix-extras
MIT LicenseGumstix Overo console image configuration for the Khepera IV robot
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Brume Deploy / meta-gumstix
MIT LicenseGumstix Overo core image configuration for the Khepera IV robot
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Vivek Shankar Varadharajan / mbplanner_ros
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseThis repo is a clone of https://github.com/unr-arl/mbplanner_ros.git with some modifications for the kh4s. This is intended to be used with wstool init and update. Please clone git@git.mistlab.ca:vvaradharajan/mb_planning_ws.git instead.
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Vivek Shankar Varadharajan / mb_planning_ws
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseThis workspace is a clone of https://github.com/ntnu-arl/mbplanner_ros with some modifications to adapt the kh4 setup.
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We aim to use only local operations to do any changes to the trees doing awesome things
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ROS 2d navigation stack for the Khepera IV robots.
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Khepera IV robot adapter to communicate with the robot through a serial link.
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Autonomous Navigation and Collision Avoidance for Ground Robots
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Vivek Shankar Varadharajan / gbplanner_ros
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseGraph-based planner using vox box and octomap
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Vivek Shankar Varadharajan / gbplanner2
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseUpdated